Friday, July 29, 2016

Pokemon Go

A lot of people have many negative things to say about Pokemon Go. They call it dangerous and make fun of it. It's really not a bad thing though.

Let me tell you about Pokemon Go. Its and app that uses your phone's geolocation technology to track you as you visit Pokestop and Pokemon gym locations. It also allows to to go to different areas of your neighborhood to gather different Pokemon.

Pokemon Go encourages getting out of the house for those who would otherwise stay in. It promotes exercise as you have to walk certain distances for Pokemon eggs to be hatched. The app keeps track of your speed so that you have to be walking for it to work. Pokemon go also encourages more social interaction with people they wouldn't otherwise interact with. It's breaking down social divides and is encouraging people to work together as a team.

The app can be dangerous if it's used irresponsibly though. Some people don't pay enough attention to their surroundings and they wander into places they shouldn't.

That said, Pokemon Go is a great app when used responsibly. I believe it can cause more good than harm based on my personal experience. It's brought me closer to my friends and it has allowed me to make new friends.

I stand behind Pokemon Go and one day, I will catch them all!

God bless and have a safe day!

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